Top 5 Ways Men Can Appear a Lot More Attractive to Women

An attractive man in a suit

The scientific community is not yet at a point where it can adequately explain the complex laws of romantic attraction. However, through studies and experiments, they have developed several theories regarding the factors that lure one person to another. You can find some of the most convincing scientific insights into the characteristics and behaviors that women find attractive in men, in this post.

Beards Are Attractive

Studies have revealed that women may find men with beards to be more appealing than guys without beards. Nevertheless, this is subject to change depending on whether or not the woman’s father had a beard. Scientists have a feeling that this might have something to do with imprinting, which is the theory that an individual’s preferences for a future partner are created at a young age and are modeled after the preferences of their parents.

Relationship Status: Taken

Women, particularly younger women, are considerably more likely to find males attractive when they are in committed relationships. This is especially true for older men. Additionally, if your current partner is attractive, other attractive women will be drawn to you too.

Make People Laugh

It is possible that a lack of comfort in a relationship, particularly for women, will operate as a substantial barrier to the development of attraction within the couple. When people trust one another, their levels of oxytocin, which is commonly referred to as the “bonding hormone,” rise. One way to establish trust and comfort within the relationship is by using humor.

Give it Time

Women do find that males of more mature age are more attractive. Around the age of 50 is when men are at their absolute best when it comes to online dating. Evolution is probably the factor that’s driving this tendency; older guys often have more power and resources, which makes them more attractive.

Standing Tall Above the Rest

Nearly everyone finds high self-esteem attractive. Studies show that power posing can be helpful if your self-esteem isn’t as great as it potentially could be. Drawing yourself to your full height will bring you only benefits. In any case, it has never hurt anyone.

Work your way to being more attractive by following some (or all) of these steps. You will, most probably, notice the difference very soon. Chances are great that potential love interests will start noticing you, and your relationships will be happier. And that’s one step closer to a happier, more fulfilling life.