NASA’s James Webb Telescope Made Another Incredible Discovery

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The NASA James Webb telescope may have cost a whopping $10 billion, but it seems to be earning every penny of that. Alongside its many other incredible discoveries, the telescope has now located what appears to be a portal into the multiverse. Of course, we don’t know if that’s what this is, but we do know there’s some sort of new galaxy that’s been found.

A Clearer Picture

As it turns out, this galaxy isn’t a new discovery – what’s new is how clearly we can see it. The original image of the galaxy was difficult to decipher, especially when it came to finer details. Luckily, an astronomer at the Cosmic Dawn Center in the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen named Gabriel Brammer, decided to color process the original image, making it much clearer. The result is a purple, cosmic, beauty that looks more like it came from a science fiction movie than real life.

The Image

Brammer explained what people were seeing when looking at the image by saying, “This is a galaxy that probably looks a lot like what we think our own Milky Way looks like. You look at this galaxy with Hubble or with ground-based telescopes, you see blue stars, you see red stars, you see spiral arms, you see dust lanes. In the mid-infrared, what you’re actually kind of seeing is the inverse of that, where that dust is no longer absorbing. We’re actually observing directly that dust itself that’s now glowing because the dust itself is emitting. It was really the first thing that popped out. It really just blew me away the second I had it open on my screen. We’ve been waiting for Webb in some cases for decades now and we’ve all been, not sleeping very much for the last week looking at as many different Webb images as we can. It’s all just truly spectacular.”

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We couldn’t agree more!

Face Exercises That Are Easy, Odd, аnd May Actually Work

Face exercises, also known as facial workouts or facial toning, are a trend that aims to improve the appearance of the face through targeted facial muscle exercises. While some research has shown that facial exercises may modestly improve facial appearance, other studies have found little evidence to support their effectiveness.

Face Exercises Are Popular

Face Exercises That Are Easy, Odd, аnd May Actually Work

Face exercises are often marketed as an alternative to invasive or expensive cosmetic procedures and are believed to work by strengthening the muscles in the face to improve sagging or lost definition. It is believed that as people age, the skin loses elasticity due to a decrease in collagen, leading to a loss of definition in the face. By strengthening the muscles in the face, it is thought that some sagging areas can be made to remain firmer. It is important to note that not all facial exercises are the same, and certain repetitive motions, like frowning or scowling, may actually cause damage to facial tissue.

Facial Moisturizers Improve the Skin

While there is limited evidence supporting the use of face exercises, regular use of a facial moisturizer with SPF has been shown to improve the appearance of the skin. People who are interested in trying facial exercises are recommended to perform particular moves daily for two months.

Upper Eye Face Exercise Place the three middle fingers of each hand directly under the eyebrows. Drop the palms of the hands flat against the face. With the pads of the fingertips directly under the eyebrows, push the eyebrows upwards and slightly outwards. Hold the eyebrows in this position with the eyes open. Use facial muscles to lower the eyebrows while continuing to press up with the fingertips; hold the contraction for five seconds. Relax and repeat. Make sure all breathing is done through the nose.

Jaw Line Face Exercise Sit or stand with the shoulders erect. Lift the chin to form a taut line between the chin and neck. Place the index and middle fingers on either side of the mouth and stretch them outwards. At the same time, push the jawline forward and hold the contraction for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Nose-to-Mouth Lines Face Exercise

Place the index and middle fingers on either side of the nose. Keeping the fingers in place, smile as wide as possible. Hold the contraction for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Under-Neck Flab Face Exercise Sit or stand with the shoulders erect. Tilt back the head to look at the ceiling. Pucker the lips as if to kiss the ceiling. Hold the contraction for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Face Moisturizer with SPF Unlike facial exercises, there is definitive evidence that regular application of facial moisturizer with SPF will improve the appearance of the skin. It is recommended to apply a facial moisturizer with SPF daily to protect the skin from sun damage and to keep it looking firm and youthful.