Delivery Drivers Share 30+ Things They Experienced That Are Burned in Their Brain

Delivery Drivers Have a Strange Job

Everyone who’s had a job meeting people all day long has some crazy stories to share. One of the most likely careers where this happens is that of a delivery driver. After all, they spend all day going to people’s homes, they’re bound to see some crazy things or experience awkward situations. We’ve put together the strangest delivery driver stories. We know that these stories will be burned in your brain once you read them, too!

Delivery Instructions

We’ve all done it — thought it was a good idea to write some crazy delivery instructions in that little box they give you. We’re dead set on it will being funny! We don’t think that sometimes those instructions might carry over to the next delivery.

Delivery Instructions

But, these instructions really are hilarious, and they should definitely remain this guy’s delivery instructions. Can you imagine how great it would be to get your delivery from someone making T-Rex noises?

Celebrity Starbucks

As a delivery driver, there’s always a chance you might meet a celeb on the job. So when you get a delivery, and you see one of your favorite pop star’s names on it, you have to take a minute to pause to really think if you’re actually going to meet them.

Celebrity Starbucks

We kind of feel sorry for this person. They were probably pretty excited until they saw who opened the door. That was definitely not Ariana Grande!

Home Alone

We’ve all dreamed of playing hooky from school, staying home alone, ordering a ton of fun kid food, and playing video games all day, right? Well, this kid definitely did. Although, we’re not sure we’d call a steak hibachi “kid-friendly” food.

Home Alone

We were thinking more along the lines of pizza… In any case, this kid clearly felt like the man of the house with his “keep the change” line. This poor delivery guy only got a $0.40 tip. That might be pretty lame, but at least he got a good story out of it.

Pizza Party

Pizza parties are always great. But, it can also be quite a dangerous situation when you’re a delivery person. We’re sure this delivery person was pretty worried as the man invited them down to his basement.

Pizza Party

They’re braver than we are — we’re pretty sure we wouldn’t go down there. But, their bravery ended up paying off when they found a puppy party in the not-so-creepy basement. We’re sure they were a little weirded out but probably pretty happy!