If There Was an Award for “Most Entitled Person of the Month,” it Would Go to All 45 of These People

This article appeared in www.ballercap.com and has been published here with permission.
If There Was an Award for “Most Entitled Person of the Month,” it Would Go to All 45 of These People

We all need a helping hand from time to time, but some people take it too far, feeling entitled to always be asking for freebies from other people. From posting a wish list asking people to provide you with “essentials” until you get paid, to expecting a musician to play at your wedding for free, there’s no shortage of beggars — and it’s all courtesy of r/AskReddit.

One Week Complimentary Stay

We all deserve vacations. It’s an unfortunate reality that many people around the world never get the chance to actually take one, so those who are able to are very lucky and should be thankful that they have the privilege.

One Week Complimentary Stay

Asking for a free vacation wasn’t enough for this person. No; it has to be a five-star hotel, in another country, where they can host three events, all on the hotel’s dime. Yeah, we doubt they were successful in that search.

Give Us All the Things

Lots of communities have “buy nothing” groups. They go by various names, but the purpose is for nothing to go to waste and for people to be able to ask for help, whether it’s getting somewhere or items for their home.

Give Us All the Things

This leaves us with more questions than answers, like why their family has so many doctors’ appointments each week, and how she managed to ask for every single expensive household item without any shame! The car in itself is already too much.

Rent Reduced Due to Compromise

Finding online ads that are misleading is nothing new, but it seems like people these days are getting bolder and bolder, like this person advertising a room for rent that came with a LOT of responsibility.

Rent Reduced Due to Compromise

So, let’s get this straight — this person is not looking for a roommate, but rather a maid and a cook, yet they’re asking this person to pay rent like it’s a normal situation? People must have been all over that great deal!

Need a Cheap Dogsitter

Pet owners see their furry friends as family, which means that they want the best for them, especially when they’re not home to look after them. But, some entitled people try to be as cheap as possible when it comes to care.

Need a Cheap Dogsitter

That price would maybe be reasonable for a dog walker, but for a dogsitter, they would be earning less than a dollar an hour to work more than 50 hours a week! They must be dreaming if they think someone will take that.