40+ Times Food Went From "MMMM!" to "DEAR LORD, NOOO!" In a Split Second
The kitchen, as they say, is the heart of every home. After all, this is the room in your house where all that delicious food is made, giving it a special place in the heart of many. But, with all the amazing memories you might create in this room, there will be those times when your memories are not nearly as happy as we have all had them. Still, it's always funnier when it's someone else that ends up with those epic food fails. Here are a few of those that we hope to make you forget your own epic food fails!
No, Thank You
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or at least that's what we have all been taught. So, getting started with a nice one might be a great way to begin your day. However, if we saw something like this, we might reconsider.

Not sure why this happened, but we know it does happen from time to time. Even still, looking down at a blood-filled egg would curb just about anyone's appetite, right!?
All for Nothing
One of the best things to do is to get all your ingredients together in a crockpot and head out to work for the day, knowing dinner will be waiting for you when you get home. But that's only if your pets are well-behaved.

It seems this woman's cat was feeling a little hungry and thought no one would know if they snuck a bite. That might have been the case if they hadn't made such a mess. We feel bad for the woman. Not only is dinner ruined, but she has quite the mess to deal with.
Dreads and Coke
Having a nice cold drink while you are enjoying a ball game is always nice. Not only because it is usually pretty warm outside but because your throat will be dry from cheering on your team. But we are not sure we would be able to drink this after seeing this!

We are sure the person isn't even aware, but they will be when the person goes to grab that drink and gets a side of dreadlocks with it!
Having a juicy lobster tail with a thick steak is a good dinner and a perfect dish for celebrations. But lobsters can be pretty pricey, so you want to make sure you get a good one. This person probably thought they had one, but looks can be deceiving.

We would be so disappointed if we split that tail open only to find this spark plug laying there. How did that even get in there? We don't want to know!