25+ People Are Sharing Infuriating Stories About Out-of-Touch Rich Students at Their Expensive Schools

These Students Are Seriously Out of Touch

When you go to school, unfortunately not every student has access to the same doors and experiences that can come with wealth. It’s easy to fall into your ways and lose touch with reality if you aren’t careful. These rich students stunned their peers with how out of touch they could sometimes be.

Wait, What?

There are a lot of times that it’s not something particularly entitled that a rich student says that gets under their peers’ skin.

Wait, What?

This person probably wouldn’t have even known that she was friends with a rich student if they hadn’t had this conversation. Her best friend just happened to casually share a fact about her life that this person wasn’t really expecting to hear — there was nothing particularly entitled about it.

Guys, the FAFSA

If you’re the average college student in the United States, you’re going to need to make sure you fill out your financial aid paperwork in time if you want to be ready for the next semester.

Guys, the FAFSA

This person was definitely ready when the FAFSA opened. Of course, they didn’t want their friends to forget while everyone was on a busy college schedule. Much to their surprise, none of their friends were worried about it in the slightest.

Not a Common Problem

A boarding school already often appeals to wealthier families. They often cost much more because they’re often private schools and you have to pay for room and board, of course.

Not a Common Problem

When this person was working at a boarding school, they were caught by surprise one night when a student needed help with their paperwork. It was her question that really caught them off-guard too. This isn’t a totally common problem.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

If you were looking for some truly entitled behavior from rich students, this story definitely fits the bill for those requirements.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

For most people, a free $1400 is a lot for one weekend. Blowing that much in a single afternoon is almost impressive — or reckless. The really entitled part here is the way he reacted when his mom wasn’t about to replenish the money that weekend because “Friday doesn’t count as part of the weekend.”

Learning New Things

When you grow up rich, there are some things in day-to-day life that you might have taken care of for you by a staff member your family hires.

Learning New Things

If you move into a room in a boarding school, they may have different rules or they may give you certain responsibilities to keeping your room clean. Having not had to vacuum his own floor before, this student clearly needed a lesson in how one works. This is one that you might not think needs explained but here we are.

Saving Money

In case it needs to be said, London is in England and Auckland is in New Zealand. In other words, they aren’t really a short trip from each other.

Saving Money

The cost of a plane ticket wasn’t about to stop this rich student from heading over to London for one week. Not to mention, it seems like they weren’t bothered by the prospect of paying to live in another country for a week. Do the savings on clothes really matter at that point?

Quite the Décor

Dorms aren’t usually the most luxurious of places. Still, students do their best to make the student housing feel a little bit more like home. This student took steps that absolutely no one expected.

Quite the Décor

Usually, college students are limited to some string lights, pictures, posters, and maybe a few other creative but temporary pieces. That doesn’t usually include tiling your floor, columns, professional drapes, or such an ostentatious entrance. Did he have a roommate?

Honey, No

Going home for a break from college is something that many students look forward to for one reason or another. It can be really disheartening to have nowhere to go.

Honey, No

That’s why this person was so quick to invite them home to spend the extended weekend at home with their family. He didn’t particularly do anything entitled either. There was just a moment of culture shock as each of them realized how different their living situations were.

What a Relatable Example

In English class, there’s a lot of room to open up the floor to hear students explain their take on a certain piece of literature.

What a Relatable Example

It’s also a great way to get students to relate to what they’re reading, even if it’s something as classic as Shakespeare. However, it doesn’t seem that the whole class could relate to this example. We wonder which play brought this situation to mind.

A Horrible Feeling

An expensive school may offer some ways that a family might be able to save money or that students who couldn’t afford to attend otherwise.

A Horrible Feeling

In this case, these students bargained down tuition with scholarships traded for a work-study program. While it may have helped them attend and they felt they should have been grateful, it was hard to watch their richer peers go on vacation while they hung back to spend long days cleaning the school up.

Chill Out!

Not everyone has a different outfit for each day. In fact, most people definitely wear their clothes more than once — sometimes in the same week!

Chill Out!

We have to say, the idea of someone wearing the same jeans Friday and Monday isn’t nearly as “disgusting” as this entitled rich student made it out to be. Even if you were worried about them being dirty, it’s none of your business and they probably washed them over the weekend.

A Different College Experience

For so many college students in the United States, the thought of ramen noodles, part-time jobs, and dining halls are familiar ones. Those are usually out of monetary necessity.

A Different College Experience

On the other hand, there are definitely different experiences out there for students coming from wealthy families who contribute to their education. It’s really the last sentence that shows a real difference in lifestyle in more ways than one.

Just a Thought

When you buy towels, you probably buy them to have for a while. After all, if you wanted disposable towels, then you’d probably buy paper towels in the first place.

Just a Thought

Not to mention, for most people, buying new towels once a week is a bit steep. This student wasn’t interested in this concept, though. Apparently, someone cleaning the towels was too much. This housemother had a point, though, she could at least donate them!

Don’t Worry About It

It’s easy to misplace something. However, some things that you misplace can cause significantly more anxiety when they don’t turn up.

Don’t Worry About It

To most college students, the loss of a laptop isn’t easy to deal with and it can take all of your money if you can afford it at all. That wasn’t the same reality that this rich student was dealing with. At least she gave her old laptops away rather than just tossing them out.

“All Her Own”

Okay, if your father was handing out money left and right, you might actually be pretty happy when you were surprised with extra spending money. Then again, not every dad can give as much as they’d like to.

“All Her Own”

So, comments like these can come across as a bit entitled. We get being proud of yourself for buying your first home too but it doesn’t seem like there was much of an indication that she realized there was some privilege on her side.

Opposite Experiences

This person clarified right away that they didn’t come from the same tax bracket as some of the rich students they went to school with after they moved towns.

Opposite Experiences

With this background, they were definitely a little surprised at the way their new, wealthier peers spent their money. After all, most people aren’t taking limos to school. Still, the idea of a “ski week” would be pretty shocking if you weren’t used to it.

Serious Concerns

This person had a few stories. One that really stood out to us is the story they delved into here. It honestly seems kind of hard for this student.

Serious Concerns

For one, most people hire security teams like this when they’re concerned. If you have a high net worth, you might be worried for that reason alone. It seems like it kept this kid from a few of the key college experiences that he had been looking forward to.

Where Is It?

The unfortunate truth is that teachers don’t often make nearly enough money to live large. So, odds are, they clock some comments that their students say that their peers might not.

Where Is It?

This teacher was left shocked when they were on the receiving end of this question. There are a lot of things you might expect to have to explain not having one but chalets aren’t really that common. This teacher was still waiting on theirs.

That’s Quite a Habit

When you buy underwear, you probably wear them, wash them, and wear them again. That’s the beauty of laundry — it’s reusable. This guy must have missed the memo.

That’s Quite a Habit

We can’t really see why there’s such a problem with washing underwear. If he really didn’t want anyone else to touch them, he could wash them himself, right? It seems like money made it easier to just replace everything as needed. This seems wildly inconvenient.

On a Weekend Off

You know what they say — never judge a book by its cover. According to this person, they wouldn’t have guessed that their classmate was rich.

On a Weekend Off

Despite not seeming too ostentatious in class or in passing, there was one thing that was really a dead giveaway to her wealth. Every time there was free time, this student made her way back home. The only difference was that she was taking a driver, a plane, and heading back to the orange grove she was an heiress of.

That’s a Lot of Cars

After you get your license, it’s not uncommon to have an accident while you’re still learning the ropes. That doesn’t always mean you get a new car, though.

That’s a Lot of Cars

This person wasn’t about to face too many consequences from the fact that she went through three cars in only two years. On top of that, most college students aren’t spending this much when they go out to eat either — especially on a regular basis.

Where to Go

When it comes time to go on vacation, plenty of people want the chance to see new places and there are a lot of options. You might have some debate on where to go.

Where to Go

However, there’s still something about this story that sticks out as a “rich student situation.” For one, most 1st graders aren’t choosing the family vacation and, most of the time, they would choose something like Disneyland over Bali or Cabo.

Whitney, What?

To start, not many people can boast such a personal family connection with someone as famous as Whitney Houston. So, that would probably already catch people’s attention.

Whitney, What?

Of course, if you want to run in the same circles as celebrities, you often have to have a lot of money to do it. It seems like this family wasn’t having any trouble here. There’s a lot to be blown away by — but the dollhouse bigger than some bedrooms and the lack of awareness about the swimming pool really stick out the most.

Family Matters

There are a lot of reasons that someone might not be on the best terms with their father. Some people cut contact for very good reasons.

Family Matters

This reason isn’t the average thing that comes between a father and their child. In fact, we have to say — we can see why he might want even a chunk of that money back. You’d have to practically work to spend this much money on vacation.

How Much?

There are some things that you stumble across online that are so bizarre you have to share them with friends. Maybe it’s a deal but these islands still sound out of most people’s budgets.

How Much?

When this person shared this weird private island article, they got a reaction they didn’t expect. In fact, they learned that they had a bit of a different experience than their roommate when it came to cars. Most people don’t spend island money on their guitars either!

That’s One Solution

There are some things that you see from rich kids that might not surprise you too much in theory. Still, watching the people around you wreck and replace cars like nothing ever happened may still shock you.

That’s One Solution

It was really the second student in this story that took the prize for being an entitled rich student. Needless to say, not everyone has a yacht to take to the Caribbean on a break, much less two to choose from. Regarding the smaller yacht in a family’s collection as a punishment is also quite surprising.

Oh, Okay Then

At a private school, you’d probably expect things to get a little entitled from time to time. At the very least, you’d probably expect to hear more entitled comments here than in a public school.

Oh, Okay Then

We can’t really blame the first student for using her resources to have a great spring break although missing an extra week of school seems like it could be tough. The anger at the inability to fly first class for that taping isn’t super relatable, though.

Quite an Assumption

When this person went to school, they first acknowledge that this example wasn’t the only out-of-touch thing they ever heard from their peers at school.

Quite an Assumption

This one really took the cake as something that wasn’t only out of touch — but rather entitled and offensive. There are some things you can see how you can maybe just miss like the realistic price of groceries or an apartment. Saying something like this is entitled and judgemental in a way that makes you wonder if she ever really filters through her thoughts before saying them out loud.

Happy Birthday!

It seems like something that needs reiterating so we’ll say it yet again — not everyone can afford a brand-new car, especially a brand as prolific as a BMW.

Happy Birthday!

So, you should think that the range of emotions on display here would be shock or even happiness. Actually, she was just upset that they had revealed the “surprise” when there weren’t quite as many students out and about to see her new status symbol.

A Stark Comparison

You don’t always have a car of your own, especially when you’ve only just turned 16 years old and started driving. Then, you probably do the best you can.

A Stark Comparison

If you don’t have a vehicle of your own, you probably get pretty familiar with your local public transit. This person relied on their bus pass to get around. On the contrary, their fellow classmates were more likely to roll up in the latest model of some of the most expensive car brands.

A Difference in Lifestyle

You can’t always get the best car on the lot. Sometimes, you have to get the car you can afford and work your way up if possible. That’s the reality for most people. That clearly wasn’t the reality that this student was dealing with.

A Difference in Lifestyle

In fact, it seems that they couldn’t quite wrap their head around how much a new car could cost. Even more, it seems like this person couldn’t quite grasp what expensive cars he was talking about either.

Studying “Science”

A science experiment isn’t always cheap. Especially if you want to go large scale and really test things out, some research programs can start to really cost a lot.

Studying “Science”

When you’re in school, though, you probably aren’t doing science projects that cost thousands of dollars. We wonder what this was teaching this student other than just serving to fulfill an impulsive thought. We guess he found out… $3,000 later.

That’s Beyond Entitled

When you have two options in front of you, you probably want to go to the tastier one. However, it’s easy for the cost to get in the way and make the decision for you.

That’s Beyond Entitled

We’re sure that this student wasn’t skipping out on lunch with their friend because they preferred the cheaper food that they say (several times) tasted worse. The fact that this person had the nerve to come up with the solution to “eat less” shows how entitled they truly are.

That’s One Way to Handle Things

When something is popular, it’s common for students to want it. A lot of kids want to be in the “in” crowd and have a symbol of status like this.

That’s One Way to Handle Things

You might even resort to begging your parents a little for the latest tech. If they say no, maybe it’s time to just accept what you have for the time being. This student didn’t seem concerned at all with the consequences when they took matters into their own hands like this.

Forgot it Again

It’s not always the major things that stick out to you when you start to get to know someone who has a significantly more expendable income than you do.

Forgot it Again

In this person’s case, it was a fellow student’s minor habit that they just couldn’t help but notice. It doesn’t seem like much but buying another umbrella every time you leave one at home would leave a lot of people with a hefty umbrella bill.

Two Unbelievable Stories

A fashion degree is an artistic option that you can go far with. This person couldn’t help but notice that some of their richer classmates just didn’t take the program as seriously.

Two Unbelievable Stories

If you aren’t familiar, a Birkin bag isn’t usually casually used as a backpack to and from the lecture hall. However, that barely compares to the shock you might feel if your fellow classmate was gifted an entire building or if you found out another was a real-life princess.

Worked Out for Them

There are sometimes that being rich means that you might not have a real grasp on the realistic cost of things. Plus, you have more means to pick up a hobby with less research and drop it as you’d like. If you aren’t aware, a Fender Stratocaster isn’t most people’s starter guitar.

Worked Out for Them

They’re also a high-quality, popular guitar brand that doesn’t come cheap. So, usually, even second-hand, someone wants to make more on their purchase than $20. Still, this seems like it was more helpful to this student than entitled.

One Way to Get Around Things

Once you go to college, you’re going to meet plenty of new people. Given how expensive college can be, you might make a few new friends who are used to living in a higher tax bracket.

One Way to Get Around Things

This is a great example of the power and influence that wealth can carry. This student wasn’t too worried at all when things didn’t go her way at school because she had a tried and true way around it. It seems like she knows that they only take this threat seriously for a reason.

Driving to School

There are some major milestones growing up. If you live in the United States, you can get your license when you turn 16 and start to gain a bit more independence.

Driving to School

Despite what you may have seen on a certain MTV show celebrating “sweet sixteens,” most families don’t gift brand-new cars. This student was driving an old beater when they saw this set of events play out. It would definitely be a little shocking to see this difference in lifestyles.

Getting Used to Budgeting

When you’re in college, budgeting is usually a top priority. After all, not everyone has a lot of funds to use when they’re going throughout their week. For some parents, $200 is the most they can do.

Getting Used to Budgeting

From there, it’s up to the kids to spend the money wisely. We’re not really sure what this person expected out of spending the week’s budget on tank tops. Then again, it seems pretty clear she just expected to have it replaced right away.

Bad News on That Front

The first bit of living with other people in a dorm during college takes a little getting used to. Even if you grew up in a smaller home, dorms are often shockingly small.

Bad News on That Front

However, if you grew up in a more lavish environment, you might be left expecting things that you might not get. While some students are lost without their mom to help with laundry, this student was wondering exactly when the maid service would come to take care of everything.

Just Great

Rules are rules, right? If you break them, you have to face the consequences and that’s the way it goes, isn’t it?

Just Great

Sometimes, the wealthier you are when you get in trouble, the more likely you’ll be able to get out of it whether it’s directly through wealth or just the influence that can come with it. This infraction probably wouldn’t have been so irritating if the other student didn’t take the fall.

Okay, Now You’re Just Being a Jerk

There are some times that you can tell that rich students are acting entitled in a mean-spirited way. This guy clearly didn’t bother to care how he was making others feel.

Okay, Now You’re Just Being a Jerk

The truth is that not everyone can afford new, top-of-the-line technology. However, you can get by with something cheaper and just as good by buying secondhand. Apparently, that was just too “disgusting” to this kid. This behavior is honestly just appalling.

A Bit of Privilege

As this person points out, the ways that rich students are out of touch don’t always come out maliciously. There are times that they really just don’t get it.

A Bit of Privilege

If someone wanted a brand new Corvette and worked an average student job, you’d be saving up for quite some time. This guy was really proud of himself for working for his new car but just a month of work isn’t really the average period to earn something like this themselves.

Surviving a Week

A lot of college students depend on their parents for money. Having a job and going to school full-time isn’t often easy and many parents do what they can to help out.

Surviving a Week

There are even plenty of students who start their week with a stressful glance at their bank account only to realize they aren’t sure how they’ll get through the week. Of course, the balance is usually a lot lower than that. It really made this roommate think.

40+ Eye-Opening Things Women Realized When Living With a Man

Living With Men

Living with someone new always leads to you learning more about them. After all, you’re spending 24/7 with them and probably seeing what they do in their private time. Over on Reddit, they wanted to know what women learned when they started living with a man. They were quick to answer what living with men — or, at least, the men they’d lived with — was like.

A Personal Attempt

This gal might have a more singular experience particular to the man that she lives with. Still, it leaves her befuddled, to say the least.

A Personal Attempt

Then again, she said he was balding — not bald — so maybe he just wants to get the most volume possible with the style he’s got! That didn’t stop this OP from wondering exactly how that would help her significant other’s current style. No matter what she thinks, it’s a mainstay in the shower.

One Idea for a Solution

There are some things that seem like a real problem when you’re dealing with them. From another perspective, the solution might seem much simpler.

One Idea for a Solution

It seems like this OP’s husband was really struggling with the heat. However, his wife sees a pretty clear way to cut down on how overheated he gets at night but it seems that he’s a little too dedicated to his blanket system.

Catching Up

There’s a stereotype that women are the ones who indulge in gossip about the people they know. However, this isn’t always the case.

Catching Up

As it turns out, it seems like everyone likes to catch up on the latest happenings, no matter their gender. Still, this lady was pretty surprised to learn that when she saw the men she lived with hang out with their friends, there was still plenty of gossip to hear.

Or Not

Remember what we said about everyone being different? It turns out that’s also the case when it comes to how much gossip particular men might indulge in.

Or Not

While the last OP’s roommate was quick to catch up on gossip, this woman could only get part of the story out of the man she lived with. It seems he caught the important parts but didn’t bother to ask any follow-up questions that she might have had.

Getting Into It

We all have hobbies that we love to indulge in. Some of us can even get so absorbed that it seems like nothing else exists.

Getting Into It

That’s one trait that really puzzled this woman when she moved in with a man. It seemed that he got so absorbed in the games he loved — to a degree that it seemed like he forgot everything else. However, it seems like this OP just can’t relate.

A Minute to Rest

A shower is a refreshing way to start the day. However, sometimes, you need a shower to really sit back and contemplate.

A Minute to Rest

We’ve all probably had a hard day and taken a seat in the shower to catch a breath. Yet, you might not think of it as something people do universally. Maybe that’s why this OP was so surprised or perhaps she’s not one to sit in the shower.

Time to Buy Curtains

There are some men who seem like they’re comfortable with the bare minimum in their homes. We’ll hand it to this guy — he was pretty resourceful on this one.

Time to Buy Curtains

On the other hand, we can’t say this idea is too aesthetically pleasing either. So, we can see why his girlfriend wanted a change of pace once they lived together. It seems like it took more reasoning than expected to make a deal on the curtains.

Unloading at the End of the Day

When you get in the door, what’s the first thing you do? Do you take off your jacket or coat first, or start by kicking off your shoes?

Unloading at the End of the Day

It didn’t take long for this girl to realize there was an extra step to the routine here once they moved in with a man. If only they could put it in an organized spot! However, she also couldn’t help but notice some things about living with him she definitely wouldn’t trade either.

Working Harder, Not Smarter

It’s surprising how many different ways people can do everyday tasks that you probably don’t think much about when you do them.

Working Harder, Not Smarter

This woman was rather entertained to see the difference on display here. If it’s groceries, he does anything to make it in as few trips as possible. On the contrary, dishes apparently need a gentler touch, calling for a lot more trips to the sink. They’re glass, after all!

Gotta Keep it Somewhere

There are some oddities in other people’s homes that might surprise you if your household doesn’t practice them. This woman obviously didn’t partake in this one beforehand.

Gotta Keep it Somewhere

As such, she was more than a little confused to see giant buckets of loose change hanging around when she moved in with a man. It seems like one way to keep it organized but how full does the bucket get before you try to spend it?

Just Leave Them Somewhere

Once again, this clearly isn’t everyone’s experience but this woman noticed a habit of his that she didn’t see in the women they lived with.

Just Leave Them Somewhere

She just can’t wrap her head around all the clothes and how none of them end up in the hamper. Each one is just strewn about wherever they’re taken off and it seems like it’s quite a journey around the house. We have to wonder why the living room is his room of choice.

Treating You

There are things about living with your significant other that just really make your day, even if the day has been hard so far.

Treating You

When this woman moved in with a man, it was her significant other and she sounds like she couldn’t be happier. It does sound rather nice to have a partner in crime, so to speak, and it’s great to hear these two are going strong!

As a Team

This is another person who lived with a man as an adult when she moved in with her significant other. It looks like it’s going great for them, too!

As a Team

First, she couldn’t help but notice how helpful her boyfriend is! Not to mention, the awful roommates that came beforehand din’t help out around the house. On top of that, they always have someone to make their mundane errands more fun!

In the Bathroom!

There are some moments in life when you just need a while to yourself. A little privacy and you’ll have the chance to catch up later.

In the Bathroom!

It seems like this girlfriend learned that her man needs plenty of time in the bathroom, although the privacy of the matter is no surprise. That doesn’t mean she might not have to shoe him out of the only bathroom from time to time.

Don’t Ask Questions

As we said, some things call for time and privacy. Usually, you want both of these things in the bathroom. We can’t really blame this guy for needing a few minutes to himself when he’s in the bathroom.

Don’t Ask Questions

Looking at the other side, we can see why she might interrupt if the kitchen is actively on fire, no matter how long he’s been in there. The shirt can probably wait, though.

Not So Different, After All

It seems to be nearly a fictional trope at this point but it happens all the time. Somebody sees a bug and the guys are expected to kill it. Yet, that doesn’t necessarily mean they want that role.

Not So Different, After All

Think about it. Spiders creep everyone out with their litany of legs, ogling eyes, and sometimes frightening speed. Maybe it’s the spider’s house now and it’s time to move out instead.

Time for Self Care

There are times you just need to focus on yourself and have some “me time.” For many, personal styling is in their self-care routine.

Time for Self Care

This wifey has learned that her husband needs some time and space when he’s getting ready to shave. Not only that, it seems like it pays off too from the sounds of it. Plus, a little self-care is good for you!

What’s on Your Mind?

For some people, a faraway look and a quiet disposition mean there’s something on their mind. Then again, not everyone is the same.

What’s on Your Mind?

For a while, this person assumed that her live-in boyfriend was having dark thoughts about their relationship whenever he took on this air of silence. However, being deep in thought doesn’t necessarily mean those thoughts are dark. It might just mean he’s thinking about something likely unrelated.

How to Decorate

When asked what they noticed about living with a man, this woman responded that she couldn’t help but notice the attitude towards knick-knacks.

How to Decorate

She noted that guys don’t care about them — but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t dislike them. This man, at the very least, wasn’t interested in getting his own knick-knacks but wasn’t going to protest having more in the house. Seems like it works out for someone who wants a few extra decorations around.

A Slight Oversight

There are some things you have in your home that are absolutely useful to you. At times, you might forget other people don’t have them.

A Slight Oversight

This woman realized that there was no trash can in the bathroom. Some men might not need it for all the same hygiene products but you’d think one might be handy for empty toilet paper rolls and wayward tissues.

Well, It’s His Home

At the end of the day, you want to get home and relax. That means changing into something comfortable and doing something you enjoy.

Well, It’s His Home

For this man, that means wearing, well, just about nothing. We suppose when you’re home, you can do what you want. However, it’s best to make sure everyone’s okay with any nakedness or stick to chilling in your room when you’re done with your clothes for the day.

Even Better Than Expected

When you’re in a relationship, moving in together is a big step. It makes sense that you might worry about not meshing with your partner as easily as you’d hoped.

Even Better Than Expected

That definitely wasn’t a problem when these two moved in together! Much to this gal’s surprise, her boyfriend is always ready to do his part in the house to keep things in order. It seems like they’re even better for it!

Sweet as Roses

We see a lot of gendered products in the grocery store. After a while, you might start to believe that all guys hate smelling like flowers. This person was surprised to learn that this isn’t the case at all.

Sweet as Roses

In fact, it seems like the man this OP lives with is just as happy to smell like roses as any other scent. It’s all about finding a scent that works for your bath products — why limit yourself to one side of the shampoo aisle?

Quick and Easy

When you’re doing laundry, sometimes taking the time to fold everything at the end is the most tiring part. After all, not many people love laundry day. After moving in with her boyfriend, this OP quickly found out that her partner has a pretty handy hack when it comes to laundry day.

Quick and Easy

Why match the socks if you’re going to cover them with shoes anyways? So, just grab two that are similar enough and move on. This method would also save a lot of time in finding those pesky missing socks.

Maybe It’s Time to Call a Doctor

This is another one that isn’t specific to men but this gal couldn’t help but notice a trend in her life.

Maybe It’s Time to Call a Doctor

She couldn’t really understand the distance the men around them would go before they’d just consult a doctor. There are a lot of reasons people might avoid the doctor but we really hope they managed to get the help they needed eventually!

Sir, No

Rugs in the bathroom can really warm up a tile floor. Plus, they’re great for when you get out of the shower and need a little more traction than tile for your wet feet.

Sir, No

The rug that you put around a toilet definitely isn’t there for this purpose, though. We can’t imagine the state of these rugs if they were used the way this man suggested.

Showing Strength

When it comes to men and women, both can build up plenty of strength. Either of these genders can really surprise you with how strong they are.

Showing Strength

That didn’t stop this wife from being surprised at just how strong her husband naturally is, even if he isn’t someone who’s strength training at the gym very often. To be fair, lifting a treadmill on your own is a fairly impressive feat!

A Difference of Opinion

We’ve already talked about how nobody likes chores. However, it seems like another thing that everyone has their particulars about. For this woman, at least, the difference in the rules she and her partner keep are quite distinct.

A Difference of Opinion

In particular, he seemed to forego some of the “rules” about housekeeping that she kept. In her observation, it seemed to come down to how much time the tasks were worth to each of them.

Their Own Beauty Products

There’s a concept that women are the ones with shelves of beauty products while men might only have a bottle or two on their shelves.

Their Own Beauty Products

When she moved in with these roommates, though, this woman learned that this cliché might not always be the case. In fact, it seems like they all had more extensive routines than she did at the time. It’s always good to see someone with a beauty routine that works for them.

Ducking Down

A lot of women are shorter than the men they live with simply by statistical average. That alone can make some noticeable differences in your day.

Ducking Down

For instance, this girlfriend — being the shorter of the two — was used to just walking into the shower. So, it hadn’t occurred to them that some people might have to duck to get under the showerhead until they lived with their significantly taller significant other.

Sick Day

This is another one that varies from man to man. Still, it’s one thing that this woman couldn’t help but begrudgingly notice.

Sick Day

When you’re sick, of course, you need to take time to rest and recover. A few days of soup, cold medicine, and sleep and you’ll feel right as rain. In this woman’s experience, you’d think something much worse was going on anytime her man gets a cold.

Everyone Loves Compliments

It’s not uncommon to hear a compliment or two throughout the day on your clothes, makeup, hair, accessories, and more. It’s a little act of kindness that means a lot.

Everyone Loves Compliments

It seems, by this woman’s experience at the very least, that the practice is much more common among women. So, men don’t always hear the same compliments throughout their days. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t want some compliments thrown their way sometimes!

Where Are They Coming From?

There are some things that are kind of unavoidable. For example, if you have a beard, you’re probably going to have to trim or shave it eventually.

Where Are They Coming From?

This almost inevitably ends up in a mess of beard hairs but it’s possible to clean them up so that the sink isn’t full of them. That is if someone in this person’s household would own up to being the one leaving the beard hairs behind.

Everybody Has Hobbies

We all have activities we love to do with our friends. Maybe you bond with your friends over books or video games, or even trips to the dog park.

Everybody Has Hobbies

This person was a little shocked to see how much building things would bring her husband such enjoyment. It seems like he’s managed to find his hobby and he’s definitely found other people to build with too.

A Difference in Routine

This hubby couldn’t say from their own perspective but they definitely thought of one thing that surprised his wife back when they first started living together.

A Difference in Routine

While she has to make sure to stop by the bathroom on the way to bed to avoid waking up in the middle of the night, her husband doesn’t have the same problem. If you can relate to her position, you might be jealous of his ability as well!

A Smelly Habit

There are certain things you can’t help doing. For one, everyone is bound to pass gas from time to time. It’s how you handle it that can change this situation.

A Smelly Habit

For this lady and most of the other women they know, passing gas is something you excuse yourself for, physically, by stepping into the bathroom. On the other hand, the man she lives with isn’t nearly as bashful about creating a stink, so to speak.

Grocery Bills

Everyone has their own appetite. The important thing is to make sure you have enough food to keep up with the demand.

Grocery Bills

This woman is constantly surprised by exactly how much more food she has to make now that she lives with a man. Even in making dinner, she has to now calculate exactly how much to make if she wants leftovers as well.

Learning an Important Lesson

The paramount lesson that this person learned is universal. She advises that it’s hard to really know someone until you see them day in and day out like this.

Learning an Important Lesson

The other points here seem rather particular but we can’t blame her for remembering them less than fondly. The one about the heating is frustrating and solvable but we’re really taken aback by the boogers on the couch. We’d probably start seeing red, too!

Working With the Bare Minimum

What do you absolutely need to have in your house? If you asked a bunch of people, you’d probably get some varying answers.

Working With the Bare Minimum

Still, that didn’t prepare this girlfriend for how little her boyfriend actually needs to survive. Do you need to wash your hands? A table to eat at? Even a paper towel to use as a napkin? You won’t find them here.

Where Did it Go?

There are few things quite as annoying as losing something that you need to find at that moment. Luckily, living with someone else also means someone else may have seen it.

Where Did it Go?

That still leaves this woman wondering exactly how the man she shares her home with manages to lose things so often. In fact, even if they’re the only one who knows where and what the item is, it still seems like an assistant would be useful here.

The Whole Story

This person did more than share one thing they learned after living with a man. They pretty much summed up the whole experience.

The Whole Story

It seems like the times they shared together were really special. Who could say no to having someone to go on an adventure with on a whim or share your days with? On the contrary, this would make it all the more difficult when those times came to an end.

Keeping Things Tidy

There are some things about keeping the home in order that’s often stereotyped as things women do. Of course, that stereotype is about as wrong in reality as it sounds.

Keeping Things Tidy

This person was shocked the first time they came home to a house that was even cleaner than they would have usually made it. As if that wasn’t enough, dinner was waiting for them and it was nothing to scoff at either!

Noticing a Difference

Instead of focusing on living with a single man, this Reddit user shared what they’d learned after living with a few different men over the years.

Noticing a Difference

Once again, the conclusion is mostly that different men come with different lifestyles as housemates. However, she learned it was easy to tell who had learned to keep up with the house over the years and who just expected someone else to take care of their messes.

Everyone Has Their Quirks

Over the years, you might live with a variety of roommates before you get your own place or settle down with your significant other.

Everyone Has Their Quirks

This person has lived with a few people — both men and women. All in all, they learned that the two have fewer differences than they expected. They couldn’t really think of anything major differences between living with women versus men.

It Varies

It turns out, just like anyone else, men can vary in what they’re like. This OP learned that there was a big difference from one man to the next.

It Varies

When she lived with her dad, she got used to a certain level of mess in the home. So, she expected the same moving in with a man later on too. As it turns out, men are just as varying as women in the ways that they live.