Five Celebrity Recipes People Don’t Regret Trying At Home

topside view of a table fool of food

You may not think much about it, but a celebrity is like any regular person. They cook, and they eat with their families just like everyone. Some even go as far as creating their own famous recipes that turn out so good – they just have to be tried! People love venturing out and trying new things, so why not start with something created by one of those famous people we constantly see on our TVs and in magazines?

Marilyn Monroe Made Stuffing


Although Marilyn Monroe is no longer with us, she has left a mark on-screen and in many people’s hearts. When she was around, she had to eat, so she came up with a recipe or two that still impress us today! Her stuffing was well-known among her friends, and the recipe has gone through the ages! Stuffing is a favorite dish when Thanksgiving comes around, and if you like liver, you should venture out and try her famous stuffing recipe!

A-List Celebrity Beyonce’s Guacamole

Beyonce’s Guacamole

Everyone knows who Beyonce is – she is a world-famous celebrity, a pop singer that started her career singing in a group and made it on her own soon after. She’s so famous – her guacamole recipe must be as good as advertised! It might be a standard recipe and the only one she’s ever published, but it is so loved – it’s only natural people would want to try it out themselves!

Chrissy Teigen’s Delicious Tuna Melt

This celebrity might be famous for a lot more than her tuna melt, but it’s so delicious it’s worth mentioning! It’s one of those simple recipes people would enjoy making after a long day. But something so easy is surprisingly so delicious! When you’ve had a hard day and want to try something simple yet mouthwatering – her tuna melt is right up there in that category!

The Rock Makes Brilliant Pancakes

a stack of pancakes

Dwayne Johnson, most commonly known as The Rock among WWE and movie buffs, is good at everything he does, isn’t he? So it’s just as expected that he’d be a brilliant chef! His pancakes make it on the list because it’s ‘stupid’ simple yet completely mouthwatering! Put his pancakes on your table, and you’ll never want any other kind!